Companies turn to Akiva Spitzer CPA, for help with their most challenging business issues. Why? We have walked in their shoes. We understand what it is like to run a manufacturing operation, complete a complex real estate transaction, or start a company from the ground up.
One of our specialties is real estate accounting. We work with commercial and residential development companies, architectural firms, property managers, and investment partnerships. We have long been a leader in assisting developers and investors implement the best strategies and enhance the values of their real estate holdings.
We have the background and expertise to help you manage the financial, operational, and organizational demands of running a home care practice in today’s constantly changing environment. We offer sound account management and tax preparation practices that allow you to spend less time buried in financial documents and more time where it really matters- with the patients.
We have notable experience working with businesses in online retail sales. We can put our knowledge to work for you by developing online retail accounting services and tax solutions that will keep your e-commerce business organized and financially strong.
Over the years, we have helped hundreds of companies grow from ideas in the minds of people to successful profitable businesses.
Companies involved in long-term contracting face a world of intricate challenges, issues and obstacles in today’s changing economy. There is a critical need for these companies to engage professionals that understand contract accounting and the elements of a construction project. Our contracting experts can help you anticipate major issue
Companies involved in long-term contracting face a world of intricate challenges, issues and obstacles in today’s changing economy. There is a critical need for these companies to engage professionals that understand contract accounting and the elements of a construction project. Our contracting experts can help you anticipate major issues and understand the industry specific needs that construction companies face.
When it comes to managing the finance related aspects of your amazon business, we can help you make sense of taxation code related to online sales. You will know the under-the-wrap tricks to maximize your tax savings. Best of all you will have peace of mind knowing that your finances are being handled by a highly experienced accounting professional.